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Evan Martin
Empowered Recovery Life Coaching
How did the LifeBound Coaching influence your career path to focus on addiction and recovery coaching?
Simply put – LifeBound’s Coaching Program gave me the confidence I needed to start my journey in becoming a certified ICF Life Coach! LifeBound was the first coaching training program I completed on this journey, and the information/skills I learned were such a big part of what solidified my desire to be a full-time Coach. I knew I wanted to help and work with people, and I knew the population I wanted to work with (men and women in Recovery), but LifeBound really showed me the power and benefits of a one-on-one coaching relationship. The coaching methodology taught in LifeBound’s program will not only teach you how to create a safe space for students to conduct one-on-one coaching, but will give you the skills to start utilizing coaching methodology in all aspects of your life, or any population you choose to work with. LifeBound’s Coaching Training Program is a powerful tool in my tool belt. I have now been able to combine LifeBound’s training with other trainings programs to create my Life Coaching business Empowered Recovery: where I help men and women build successful, fulfilling lives in recovery, without letting their past dictate their future.
How can this type of coaching help people during and post-COVID-19?
The coaching skills you learn in LifeBound’s Coaching Program have never been more important then in this current COVID-19 landscape. People are scared, lost, overwhelmed, and generally confused about what to do, what a post COVID-19 world will look like, and how to continue progressing towards their goals in life. The world is sowed with uncertainty right now, and as uncomfortable as this can be, it is the perfect time for coaching! In LifeBound's program you learn how to facilitate introspective thinking to help people gain clarity over how they can manage the new challenges they are facing during these difficult times. While at the same time, setting themselves up for future success in a post-COVID world.
How can your expertise help all faculty and business leaders who are trying to manage themselves with the multiple measure challenges of this time?
There’s no question – COVID has thrown just about every single person in the world for a loop! Employment landscapes have changed, education has changed, home life has changed…just about every aspect of life really. One skill that can really be really beneficial to people when encountering an unforeseen challenge is the power of “Reframing a Thought Process”. Simply put - our thoughts lead us to feel certain emotions/feelings, which in turn cause us to behave a certain way. If we are unhappy with (or want to change) a particular behavior we are seeing in ourselves, we need to examine the thoughts that produce the feelings leading to the behavior or action. We can then “reframe” the thinking to produce the emotions/feelings we want, leading us to perform the behavior we desire!
Developing a level of self-awareness around your personal “inner-blocks” (don’t worry we all have them) such as limiting beliefs, or negative self-talk, and learning how to “reframe” the thoughts, can really help someone who is starting to see a pattern in their behavior they are not happy with. With our daily routines completely out of whack from COVID, quarantining, and trying to navigate these uncertain times, It can be all too easy to fall into a behavior pattern that is actually working against us and what we want to accomplish. This is just one small example of the power of coaching in a completely unforeseen setting such as COVID! These are the types of skills you will learn and be able to apply to your life and the lives you touch with LifeBound’s Coaching Program.
Evan Martin is a trained and accredited Life Coach who specializes in working with people in recovery. Evan is relentlessly dedicated to the success of his clients, and has developed a program to help people in recovery build a successful life characterized by clarity, confidence, purpose and passion.
To learn more about Empowered Recovery Life Coaching with Evan Martin and the services he offers, check out his website here or reach out to him directly via email at